Upcoming Election:

May 3, 2025 – General Election for Ward I, Place II, Ward II, Place II and Ward III, Place II.

Candidates Who Filed for Woodway City Council 

Notice of Deadline to File Applications for Place on the Ballot

Candidate packets available for pick up from the City Secretary’s Office the first week of January.

McLennan County Current-Election-Results

Internet Posting Requirement for Political Subdivisions

Notice of Voting Order Priority for Voters With Certain Disabilities

The requirements/qualifications to serve on the Woodway City Council are found in the Home Rule Charter:

Sec. 2.4. – Qualifications.

Each Council member shall be a citizen of the United States and a qualified voter of the State of Texas. Each of the Council members shall be a resident of the City of Woodway, and shall have resided in the ward from which they were elected for a period of at least one (1) year immediately prior to their election.

In addition, each person filing for election to and each Council member occupying one of the places designated for a ward shall be a resident of the ward for which the place is designated. In the event the Council, by ordinance, increases the number of wards to six (6), the Council shall at the same time designate one (1) Council place for each ward, but the ward residence requirement stated in the foregoing sentence shall not apply to the Council members occupying such places during the unexpired portion of the term for which they were elected.

A member of the Council ceasing to possess any of the qualifications specified in this section or any other section of this charter, or convicted of a felony while in office, shall immediately forfeit his/her office. No member of the Council shall hold any other elected public office.


H.B. No. 2626, enacted September 1, 2023 states the clerk or secretary of a political subdivision’s governing body or if the governing body does not have a clerk or secretary, the governing body ’s presiding officer shall make a report filed with the political subdivision by a candidate, officeholder, or specific-purpose committee under this subchapter available to the public on the political subdivision ’s Internet website not later than the 10th business day after the date the report is received. Please view H.B. No. 2626.


Related Election Information