Woodway 311 is a non-emergency service portal that provides Woodway citizens a way to stay up to date on severe weather events, city-wide street & sewer projects. Citizens can also report high weeds, street issues, stray animals, junk cars, and more.
Important Phone Numbers
311 Customer Service line (254) 537-1441
City Hall Main: (254) 772-4480
Police, Fire and Medical Emergencies: (254) 772-4470
Water Customer Service: (254) 772-4480
Oncor: (888) 544-4877
Atmos Energy: Emergency Contact 866-322-8667 | Customer Service 888-286-6700
Ways to Access Woodway 311
- 311 Mobile APP
Citizens can spot a problem, simply launch the app, select an issue, take a picture, and tap submit.
- 311 Landline
Citizens can call the 311 Customer Service line (254) 537-1441
Monday-Friday (8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.)
Citizens can call email 311@woodwaytexas.gov and report and issue.
General Questions
How do I follow up on service requests?
Woodway’s 311 APP & Email will send an automatic “Service Request” to the corresponding department for their response. A reference number is assigned to each Service Request for tracking.
Can I use 311 to sign up for severe weather emergency notification requests?
Yes, all you need to do is download the app to sign up in order to receive updates on severe weather events, hazardous road conditions, or other notification topics.
Where do I go to report non-working streetlights?
You can call Oncor or visit their website to report non-working or damaged streetlights.
- Automatic Email Response
An automatic email responsive will go to citizen notifying them that the city has received their submission.
- Questions and Image Submittals
Questions and image submittals via APP will go directly to the Customer Service Desk at City Hall and forwarded to respective department head.
- Follow Up
Each respective department will notify citizen of action taken or to be taken on each issue submittal within one week.
- Push Notification
Public Safety will have access to “push notify” every citizen that downloads the APP of any important city news & weather-related issues.